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100 Years: Louis XIII & Pharrell Williams are looking ahead to save our planet

He is one of the most talented artists of this generation, and on November 13th 2017, Pharrell Williams in partnership with LOUIS XIII Cognac premiered "100 Years"- The Song We'll Only Hear If We Care - a unique musical composition that will not be released until 2117.

Pharrell's exclusive track was recorded onto a record made of clay from the chalky soil of the Cognac region, and stored in the cellars of LOUIS XIII in a state-of-the-art safe specially designed by Fichet-Bauche that is only destructible when submerged in water.

If sea levels continue to rise at such an alarming rate due to climate change, scientists project that in 100 years, a significant portion of the world's land might be underwater therefore the only way to guarantee this original piece of music will be heard again in 2117, one century from now, is if we address the tragic consequences of global warming .. This is the message both Pharrell Williams & the Rémy Cointreau brand LOUIS XIII are bringing awareness too.

Pharrell has long been passionate about preserving our environment and how important human action is to addressing climate change, so if we do not change our way of living, future generations will never be able to hear this song. "100 Years" by Pharrell Williams will be out in 2117, but only #Ifwecare.

I love the fact that LOUIS XIII thinks a century ahead," said Pharrell Williams. "We should all do the same for the planet. We have a common interest in preserving nature for the future. Each bottle is the life achievement of generations of men and women. It's all about legacy and transmission."

This is not the first time LOUIS XIII. has tried to raise awareness for global warming In 2015, LOUIS XIII partnered with renowned actor and creative visionary John Malkovich to create “100 Years: The Movie You Will Never See,” a thought-provoking artistic work that explores the relationship of past, present, and future. “100 Years” – The Song We’ll Only Hear If We Care – was previewed in Shanghai on November 13th, 2017.

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